Packed them in a box with encouragement on top as it's meant for a zadankai anyway. She said everyone was excited (probably due to the box) and love the muffins. Yayness for me!

280g all purpose flour, sifted
100g caster sugar
120g unsalted butter, melted
300ml milk
2 eggs
6 tsp matcha powder
3 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
200g azuki beans
1. Preheat oven to 180°C
2. Add flour, matcha powder, sugar, baking powder & salt into a bowl and mix well
3. Lightly heat up milk and egg in a saucepan
4. Make a well in the centre of the flour mixture
5. Pour in milk mixture and melted butter into the well
6. Fold batter quickly until just combined
7. Fill up half of each muffin cup with the muffin batter
8. Add a spoonful of azuki beans on top of the half filled cups
9. Cover the muffin cups with the remaining batter
10. Bake for 20 mins
11. Leave muffins in baking tray to sit for 5 mins before cooling them on a wire rack
Everyone who tried it smelt the matcha. Mom said the green looks pretty though I think it looks mutant-ish heehee.matcha tea set perth