
Monday, November 1, 2010

Strawberry Chiffon Cake

Was discussing with Bakertan how old folks like my mama and her friends always tell me how my pound/loaf cakes can be softer and fluffier. I've always thought I've done something wrong, that's why my cakes are dense. But nooooope. Was enlightened that those cakes are meant to be dense. Asian folks are used to cakes being light and fluffy, that's why their suggestions on how I can improve my dense cakes are well, to make them less dense.

That explains why I don't have to market my chiffon cakes too much for them to vanish from the kitchen table. They're everything mama-s prefer - soft, cottony texture, you can eat them even if you have no teeth!

Think I got kinda rusty in meringue beating and they got a little dry, means...more practice required teehee! Right, so I got lazy and used strawberry emulco instead of fresh strawberries. Can't help it, no fresh korean strawberries available currently. Waiting for next year Feb/Mar where their supplies will be abundant ya. Stay tune!
Strawberry Chiffon Cake (modified from Keiko Ishida's Okashi)

80g cake flour
5 egg yolks
20g caster sugar
1 tsp strawberry emulco
70g water
60g canola oil

5 egg whites (weighed mine to be 198g)
90g caster sugar
10g corn flour

1. Preheat oven to 160°C
2. Sift flour and cocoa powder twice
3. Beat egg yolks and sugar until well mixed
4. Add strawberry emulco, water and canola oil to the yolk mixture and blend well
5. Add flour mixture to yolk mixture until the batter becomes sticky
6. Combine sugar and corn flour in a separate bowl
7. Beat egg whites until frothy and add half of the sugar mixture, and continue to beat
8. Slowly add in the rest of the sugar mixture and beat until egg white stiff peaks and is glossy but not dry
9. Add one third of the meringue into yolk mixture and fold in lightly
10. Pour in rest of the meringue and fold until well combined
11. Pour the batter into a 20-cm chiffon tin and bake for 40 mins
12. Invert the chiffon tin on a wire rack and let it cool for 2h before releasing the cake for serving


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Jane,

    Your step 2 mentioned sift flour and cocoa powder twice. But there was no cocoa powder under your ingredients, is that a typo error ?
