
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Honey Corn Muffins

Other than work, this is what I've been busy with and will be occupied with it till mid Feb - Chingay! Practices are so frequent that I no longer have time to run and bake as much as I wil like to. But nevertheless, I thought this show creates a lot of value for the public, and also for my personal growth.

Was encouraged greatly by many participants, they shared with me the their struggles and how they overcome it. You hear stories on how people's parents are battling cancer yet they show up for the practices. One of the admin uncles was admitted into ICU, fell into coma after getting knocked down by a bus during the course of our training. When he finally woke up from the coma, he showed us the "V" victory sign while on hospital bed, captured on video to encourage all of us Soka Chingay participates. Deeply touched and I'm even more determined to do my human revolution.

Am in an item showcased by Singapore Soka Association supported by the Singapore Zoological Gardens and its 'animalistic' counterparts. That explains the Tarzan-and-Jane costumes we were in. Honestly I think we look more like mutated Tinkerbells than Janes.
As promised, a little Chingay preview.

Our float! *proud*

The finale - lanterns lighting up by the Flyer

these little girls are so cute!!

Me: *waving over zealously to everyone on the streets*
Boyfriend: You're suitable to be in a circus.
Me: Try doing this when you are not covered in face paint and wearing crazy costumes like these.
Boyfriend: *grins*

Woke up in the morning, still feeling the ecstasy from last night's rehearsal. Gotta reunite with my oven for a bit, it must have felt lonely for the past week. Baked some corn muffins for breakfast. Tender crumbed corn muffins with a crusty top, buddying up with the floral goodness of sweet honey, they taste really good served warm!

Honey Corn Muffins (adapted from Matt Lewis & Renato Poliafito's Baked Explorations)
Makes 12 muffins

2 large eggs
240ml buttermilk
60ml honey
113g unsalted butter, melted and cooled
163g yellow cornmeal
105g all purpose flour
1 tbsp baking powder
55g light brown sugar
2 tbsp sugar (I use 4 tbsp)
1 tsp kosher salt (I use table salt)

1. Preheat oven to 200°C. Lightly butter or spray each cup of a standard 12 cup muffin pan – and wipe out any excess with a paper towel. You can also line with paper.
2. In a medium bowl, lightly whisk the eggs, add the buttermilk, honey and butter, and whisk again. Set aside.
3. In a larger bowl, whisk together the cornmeal, flour, baking powder, brown sugar, sugar and salt.
4. Make a little well in the dry ingredients and then pour the wet into the well, and fold together until just combined. Try not to over-mix.
5. Fill each muffin about 3/4’s full. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until the tops are golden brown and a toothpick comes out just clean.
6. Place on a rack and let cool for 10 minutes. Then pop muffins out while still warm and serve with butter (and honey or fruit).


Oh, if they sit for days (they shouldn’t!) – just toast and spread a little butter or jam on – honey or just plain. Toasting will refresh the flavor.


  1. cool! i always organise and get schoolmates to participate in chingay. never fail to get positive feedbacks (: (: psst, you look really cool! (: jean, bring on the energy and vibe! anyways, those muffins look great! honey makes those surface shiny and pretty! i guess is a dense yet moist muffin (:

  2. Jean,
    Your descriptive 'mutated Tinkerbells than Janes' made me chuckle. You know its not true.

    Anyway, Culturally this is all new to me and very fascinating. So Thank you for giving me an insight into Chingay. The colours are so vibrants, especially your float soooo amazing.

    I am a muffin girl, so Your corn honey muffins excite me too.

  3. jean you look so pretty and cheeky in that green outfit! my favorite color!! haha i know you enjoyed yourself! i love the muffins beautiful like you!

  4. suddenly feel so ignorant, what is chingay? even though we're of neighbouring countries, havent heard of chingay myself. Yes, i believe all these partipation will benefit us, bringing experience and exposure to us, have fun!

  5. sweetylicious: wow really? chingay is really very fun! im sure u had fun back then too ya? :D

    mangocheeks: thanks! there were even more amazing floats out there but i didnt have my cam with me to capture them then

    jess: thanks girl! hehe

    lena: chingay is usually held on first/second weekend after cny, there will mass display of parade and floats, u should come down and get a whiff of the atmosphere if u have time! :D

  6. The corn muffins are great. They remind me the Kenny Rogers one.

    I miss Chingay. I see lots of fun and happy smiles participating this event. I laughed reading about your bf's circus remarks. These men are so cheeky with their thoughts and words. He is probably jealous that you are having lots more fun and laughter than him :P

  7. Woah these corn muffins looks yummy. I have never tried muffin made with cornmeal before. Im sure it tastes fabulous. I was admiring ur cashew nuts cookies too. Looks delicious
