
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Orange Cupcakes

Fancy having a younger sister who is much more mature than I am. Lucky me.

Then again all my close friends agree that I don't act my age. Pffftt.

My sister is the one who's always advising me and inspiring me. In fact she is the one who planted the seed in me that I should take up a Masters. Inception eh. We are pretty different in terms of character. She's frugal, I'm spendthrift. She's the cool cucumber, I'm the itchy backside. She listens to symphonic bands, I listen to rock bands. She drinks Vitagen, I drink alcohol. But yet we're equally cranky.

Her idea. I swear!

On a random note, one of our favorite past times is to talk to each other while one of us is pooping in the toilet, i.e. leave the toilet door open and spread some 'chocolate' baking love. Sisterhood banzai!!

So it's her special day this weekend. Am not able to catch her because she was out of the house the whole weekend. But here you go: Happy Birthday to sista! I'll do something with her favorite white chocolate when I'm a more able baker. Next year, next year. :P

Primrose cupcakes are wholesome, flavorful and more filling. Comparing their cupcakes to HummingBird, I prefer the latter because I have a weak spot for light fluffy cakes. My swiss meringue didn't turn out smooth and pretty this time, not sure what's wrong. It was weeping badly after a while. Ahh well.

Am submitting this entry to Aspiring Bakers #5: Fruity March (March 2011).

Orange Cupcakes (adapted from Cupcakes frm the Primrose Bakery)
(makes 12 regular sized cupcakes, 20 for me)

110g unsalted butter, room temperature
225g caster sugar, preferably golden (I use 200g)
2 large eggs, free range or organic
150g self raising flour, sifted
125g plain flour, sifted
90ml semi-skimmed milk, at room temperature (I use whole)
2 tbsp freshly squeezed orange juice
Grated zest of 1 orange (you need 1 tsp)

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C and line a 12 hole muffin tray with the appropriate size cupcake cases.
2. In a large mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugar until the mixture is pale and smooth, which should take 3-5 mins using an electric hand mixer. Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing for a few mins after each addition.
3. Combine the 2 flours in a separate bowl. Add 1/3 of the flours to the creamed mixture and beat well. Pour in half the milk and beat well. Add another third of the flour and bet again. Beat in the reminder of the milk and all the orange juice. Finish by adding the last third of the flour and the orange zest and beat well. If the mixture looks like it is curdling slightly, don't panic - simply add another spoonful of plain flour and beat well.
4. Carefully spoon the mixture into the cupcake cases, filling them to about 2/3 full. Bake in the oven for abt 25mins (17mins for me) until lightly golden brown. To check they are cooked, insert a skewer into the centre of one of the cakes - it should come out clean.
5. Remove from the oven and leave the cakes in their tins for abt 10 mins before carefully placing on the wire rack to cool.

Orange Swiss Meringue Buttercream Frosting

1 large egg white, room temperature
50g granulated sugar
90g unsalted butter, room temperature
2 1/2 tsp orange zest
few drops of food coloring (optional)
6 tbsp icing sugar

1. Set egg whites and sugar in a bowl over gently simmering water and whisk until all sugar has dissolved and eggs are hot to touch, for abt 3mins. You can test if it's done by rubbing mixture in between fingers to see if there are still any gritty bits of sugar left.
2. Remove bowl from water and beat egg mixture on high speed until mixture has cool .completed and formed stiff and glossy peaks, for abt 10mins.
3. Add butter one tbsp at a time, and beat until incorporated before adding in the next tbsp.
4. Add orange zest and beat until just combined.
5. Add food coloring if you have and mix till it's well blended.
6. Add icing sugar to thicken the meringue.
7. Pipe as you like.


  1. wow...this makes me drool n looks lovely..
    first time here to ur blog...n amaze to c ur collections of recipes..glad to follow u..
    do stop by mine sometime..:)
    Tasty appetite

  2. Your orange cuppies look great to me!:)

  3. love these cupcakes. I could smell the orangey flavor!

  4. You and ur sis are so funny.
    I love orange, anything with orange will hit me on the spot.

  5. What fun you and your sis had! envy the close relationship you have with your sis! The cupcakes are gorgeous!

  6. it's way freaky how similar you and your sis are to me and mine!
    im the younger one - the advise giver and she's the money spender lol.
    i hope ur sis enjoys these cute cupcakes u made for her!

  7. the cupcakes look so lovely and yummy! (:
    jia you jean! (:

  8. Jay: have hopped by ur blog, it looks great!

    cathy/STM/Edith/Jasmine: thanks ladies!

    Wendy/Jess: thanks! yah we're pretty crazy hahah

    Vivienne: haha wonder why 2 girls can grow up so differently when we're brought up by the same parents

  9. for a moment , i thought both you and your sis are twins..lookalike! great to have a sister that is so close to you and always there for you, these cupcakes are for her? she will fall in love with these..!

  10. hey these cup cakes....there's a award waiting for you in my space....plz accept it !

  11. I love the way you wrote about your sis. All contrasts in personality is amazing even being in the same family.

    I'm sure your sis will appreciate your sweet thoughts of baking these lovely cupcakes for her. I will be happy to have a sis like you.

  12. yummykoh: thanks!

    lena: shes not too pleased when people say we look alike HAHAHAHA

    sonali: ok will do so, thanks!

    Zoe: i hope she is :P

  13. Jean, what a thoughtful post. You and your sister do look alike. Although contrasting in our characters, it is beautiful you both can get along and love each other. I love the picture of you both looking SO happy! Love the orange cup cakes too. They looks delicious! Weekend is approaching so have a good one my dear:D

  14. These sound so very good. I'm relatively new to your blog and I don't post often. I just wanted you to know how much I enjoy the food and recipes you feature here. You've created a lovely spot for your readers to visit and I keep coming back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  15. Mmm, gotta love an orange-y dessert.
