
Monday, April 18, 2011

Black Pepper Bread

This bread is a MURDERER.

It killed my dough hooker while I was kneading the dough! Captain Hook snapped into half. Rest in peace left hooker. Right hooker shall proceed to continue its mission to make bellies happy.

For sweet revenge, I'll tear them apart and swallow them alive.

Pepper-ish and tasty! You can swap the pork fillings for spicy tuna or any of your preference. Pulling out the bun from its conjoint siblings is pretty fun as well. Need more fillings though.

Black Pepper Bread (adapted from孟老师的 100道面包)

250g bread flour
25g fine sugar
1/2 tsp salt
10g milk powder
3g (1/2 tsp +1/4 tsp) instant dry yeast
15 g whole egg
140 g plain water

20 g unsalted butter
1 tsp black pepper

minced pork, 40 g
chopped onion 30 g (sub with 1 clove of garlic due to malfunction grocery shopping list -_-)
salt, black pepper 1/8 teaspoon each (1/4 tsp for me, also added 1 tsp of soya sauce & a dash of sesame oil)

Egg for egg wash
1 tbsp black sesame seed (skipped this)

1. Combine flour, sugar, salt, milk powder, instant dry yeast, egg and water and beat at low speed with a dough hooker mixer, then turn to medium and knead until you have a smooth dough.
2. Add butter and knead with low speed until well combined, then increase to medium speed and knead till dough is smooth and elastic.
3. Add in black pepper and beat at low speed.
4. Place the dough into a big bowl, cover with clingwrap and let it proof for 80mins.
5. Filling: Using low heat, stir fry minced pork, then add onion and stir fry until cooked. Remove from heat, add in salt and pepper. Leave aside to cool.
6. Divide dough into 6 equal portions. Roll into balls, and leave to rest for 5 mins, then wrap the filling in, and place them into a greased 8" round cake tin. Cover with clingwrap and let it prove for 50 mins.
7. Brush with egg wash and sprinkle sesame seeds on top.
8. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 28 mins.


  1. haha can get new mixer le!! beautiful bread jean! yum!

  2. haha poor dough hook!! thought they'd be stronger than that!

    bread looks delish..makes me want to pick up bread baking again!

  3. BUY NEW MIXER :D hahahah. anyways, i love the way you start you post. so cheery (: the bread look so flavourful, soft and fluffy!! NICE ONE JEAN (:

  4. Aaaw, RIP mixer. time to upgrade to something better! Great looking bread regardless though!

  5. What a fun post - you are one very humorous baker!

  6. broke into two?? oh dear! are you really that aggressive? ha! never mind, go get a better one!

  7. jean! u just gave me the biggest smile of the day when reading ur post :)
    u r so cute in telling story hehe...
    btw, ur bread looks yummy!

  8. Haha... Your post is so humorous tho I wont laugh when my mixer break down...

  9. Time to get a heavy duty mixer! This recipe is so interesting. I wonder my son who is a fan of pepper will like it?

  10. Oh no! Poor Captain least he sacrifice for a good bread!

    I must confess that I have fried a few mixer before...LOL I think a total of 4 so far...LOL Got a powerful one (700W) eventually but bought a KA recently. I find that a breadmaker is also good kneading too. Crossing my fingers that I don't want to fry any mixers anymore!

  11. Hi. I think you have a copy of 孟老师book. Can you help me to check if there is a recipe for black sesame bread? If there is one, I'll borrow from library. I have just bought a packet of black sesame powder and would like to use it to make bread. Thanks in advance.
