
Friday, April 8, 2011

Bread Pudding

Would like to say a big thank you to Alice from I Love. I Cook. I Bake. for presenting this award to me. Is a pleasant surprise! Love how our cosy baking community has been sharing the appreciation between one another. It's encouragement like these which keep us motivated in coming up with more creative ideas for our bakes.

Sister has been bugging me to make bread pudding for ages. Never had time to research for a good recipe, so I randomly came up with this. Not the best in my opinion. I thought it tasted a little too "eggy" for my liking. But bread-pudding loving Sister was thrilled about it though. One man's meat is another's poison I guess.

Bread Pudding

3 slices of stale white bread, cut into squares
Sprinkle of raisins
240ml whole milk
3 tbsp granulated sugar
1 large whole egg, room temperature
1 large egg yolk, room temperature
1 tsp pure vanilla extract

1. Preheat the oven to 160°C.
2. Arrange the bread and raisins in 3 ramekins. Be sure to tuck the raisins underneath the bread unless you like charred raisins.
3. In a large mixing bowl, whisk milk, sugar, eggs and vanilla until it is well mixed.
4. Pour the milk mixture into the prepared ramekins, ensuring that the bread is well soaked. Leave the bread to soak in the milk bath for 20 mins.
5. Bake the ramekins for 40mins until the custard is set. Leave bread pudding to cool on a cooling rack. Serve warm.


  1. Hi Jean!
    Nice work there! Like you, I often find custardy based stuff a tad too eggy for my liking. There's this sense of "rawness" which makes me squirm a little when I take the first bite. But i guess the saving grace is to use a generous dash of good quality vanilla and let it do its magic! :)

  2. Jean you are such a loving sister. Mine all took cooking as home econ subject but none ever cooked or baked for me. :( hahhaa.

  3. jean,

    congrats on the award!

    I love bread puddings. They are to die for when there is a nice vanilla sauce to accompany the pudding.

    Your sister is lucky. I wish someone would make desserts for me at home, haha

  4. jean, very true about the awards. For the past few weeks, i can see the awards have passing around and i think that's good. I never tried bread pudding becos i always thought that they are like 'wet breads' but since your sis loved this so much, i think your must be really good!

  5. Bread pudding is something new to me. :) Looks so appetizing! :)

  6. Your pudding looks delicious. I'd love to join you for dessert. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  7. I've never been a fan of bread puddings. But yours sure look good enough for me to try! :)

  8. congrats on the award jean! i love bread pudding and would love to have this right now with a cup of coffee.. and with you so we could share more stories about .. what else btu FOOD ahah!
