
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Coconut Vanilla Bean Muffins

Have had a hectic week. Been so long since I'm able to go home straight after work. Honestly I've been feeling kinda cranky lately. Kinda down and disappointed with the way certain things are turning out. Also feel bad that I was unable to attend some of the gatherings which my friends whom I've not seen for ages, had organised. Sheesh. Sometimes I really wonder if I'm trying to do much more than I can handle. Moreover I'm planning to further my studies this coming July which I was initially all enthusiastic about. Now I'm kinda worried if it means giving up some time on the activities I'm engaged in now.

But it's a challenge ain't it? Have to motivate myself more. Sigh. Maybe I'm experiencing some kind of crossroad-in-life crisis or something heh.

My previous posts were actually post dated bakes from a week or two back. Wanted to bake for 'real' but can't find the time to. What I mean by 'real' baking, is making whole cakes haha. Had to make do with quickie bakes like these. But engaging myself into baking relieves me of the frustration momentarily.

Was kinda anxious to see how the muffins turn out because the batter looks different from my usual lumpy muffin mix. It was gritty instead and relatively less wet. Was excited when vanilla fragrance filled the kitchen by the time they are due to be out from the oven. The muffins came out with little jagged golden brown crusted tops, totally rustic looking. The coconut milk gave it a different undernote from normal muffins. Makes it scoring a perfect ten on the aroma department. Though a little on the dry side, nothing like good ol' strawberry jam to moisten up the little fellow. For me, I like it warm with a spoonful of honey.

Coconut Vanilla Bean Muffins
(makes 12 muffins)

210g plain flour
100g sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
75g unsalted butter, melted
50ml coconut milk
10ml milk
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla powder
Vanilla pod seeds, scraped from 1 pod
2 tbsp vanilla yogurt

1. Preheat oven to 200°C. Line 15 medium sized muffin paper cups on the muffin tray.
2. Whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder and salt, set aside.
3. In a separate bowl, combine butter, coconut milk, milk, egg, vanilla pod and yogurt.
4. Make a well in the middle of the flour mixture and fold in wet mixture into it. Stir until just combined. It's okay to have a few floury lumps here and there.
5. Bake for 14 mins and transfer to wire rack to cool


  1. these muffins looks good! I hope u are feeling better now!

  2. the muffins look so yummy and lovely (: jean, im undergoing similar situation too. stay strong okay. love ya! (:

  3. Those muffins look so golden. That coconut flavor must have been mighty tasty. I have a sweet treat linky party going on at my blog and I'd like to invite you to stop by and link your muffins up.

  4. Jean, if you set your mind to study. Focus on it. At the end of the journey, you will know that you had make the right decision and all sacrifices are worth it.

  5. hello jean, you may seem undecided now..relax a bit, i'm sure things will work out fine for you. I love the look of the top of these muffins! aromatic!

  6. jess: thanks! muchmuch better now :)

    jasmine: you stay strong too, can contact me anytime if u need someone to talk to

    cathy: thank you!

    lisa: i'll drop by :D

    edith: yup. im actually looking forward to refreshen myself through the programme too

    lena: thanks lena! i hope so too!

  7. You remind me how long I haven't bake muffins. My muffin cups are all used up and I haven't got the chance to go and stock up. Haha...

  8. hanushi: ahh i actually got a lot of them at home because there are too many cute designs to collect! hehe
