
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

German Bread Roll

I told ya you'll be seeing more bread bakes from me. Kneading this bread really manhandled my hand mixer, the latter was roaring hot air from the motor and the dough hooker was so warm that it sort of heated up the dough as well.

But before that, let me share with you my first paintball experience hehe.

I think we look like terrorists -_-

Visited Johor Bahru with my friends the past weekend for paintball, and of course for food and shopping. The girls were freaking out when we hear the impactful popping from the air gun and contemplated opting out. Been scared by multiple dimension-ed bruises we see on our friends' Facebook photos as well. Turns out that the pellets don't hurt as much, that means the bruises look much more painful than it really seems. It's not really that painful...more of like a mosquito bite. So do try it if you have the chance to. It's an experience! Pain is temporary, Glory is forever. HAHAHHAHA

Battle scar

Happy bellies...burp!

Back to the bread which almost killed my hand mixer. There's nothing German-ish looking about it. In fact my boyfriend thinks it looks more like a pineapple bun. Honestly I don't know what this bread is, until I made it. It has a hard crust and soft chewy insides, reminds me of the warm bread I'll eat with butter in fine dining restaurants. And from the looks of it, looks like I need to practise more on rolling my bread dough.

German Bread Roll (adapted from孟老师的 100道面包)

250g bread flour
1 tsp caster sugar
1/2 tsp salt
3g instant dry yeast
150g water
10g unsalted butter, room temperature

750g water
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda

1 tsp Parmesan cheese powder for sprinkling

1. Combine flours, sugar, salt, yeast and water and beat at low speed with a dough hooker mixer, then turn to medium and knead until you have a smooth dough
2. Add butter and knead with low speed until well combined, then increase to medium speed and knead till dough is smooth and elastic.
3. Cover dough with shrink wrap and let it proof for 80mins.
4. Divide proof-ed dough into 5 portions and roll them into balls. Place each ball on top of a square of parchment paper. Let them rest for 20mins.
5. Boil 750g water with salt and baking soda.
6. Add the dough balls along with its attached parchment paper into the boiling water. Ensure that the water level covers the entire ball and let each ball boil for 5 secs before placing it on a baking tray.
7. Sprinkle cheese powder over each ball. Bake bread in a 180°C preheated oven for 18mins.


  1. Oh poor thing with the scar. But, it sounds like fun to me.

    I've tried mixing bread dough with hand before and it's so tiring. Now, it is my electric mixer or bread maker that does all the work. How can I live in the world without kitchen appliances?

  2. wah the scar looks painful! but i can imagine the fun! the bread is beautiful enough as it is Jean =D

  3. I never dare to use my hand mixer to knead breads. It'll smell.

  4. wow you are lucky that your bruise ain't too serious. I have friends who came back with bigger spots.

    BTW, be careful of not overworking your mixer. Damage can be big if you burnt the motor.

  5. zoe: yup! should try it if you can. 2 of my girlfriends are pregnant so didn't have the chance to play, they said they would love to join us after they have given birth! hahah

    Jess: it looks more painful than it really is :P

    cathy: thanks dear!

    Wendy: becos of the overworked motor?

    edith: yup learnt my lucky that it didn't blow up on me.

  6. Wow, this caught me by surprise. One of the girl from your group photo taken after meal is my current classmate in uni. Sorry I know it's a bit no link but am kinda excited about it cos I love reading your entries!

  7. it sound so fun! usually when i see ppl getting bruises, i feel that is super painful! after what you've said, i guess your tolerance level is higher ;D anyways, those bread look so nice!i havent even try my first attempt! hahah

  8. you must be such an adventorous gal! dont worry, i donyt think they will leave a scar on your leg. i cannot remember seeing these buns on that book, too many types but they look fine to me!

  9. hazelnut: really? haha i think i know who you are referring to :)

    jasmine: go try! it's very fun! hehe

    lena: probably cos mine don't look as pretty as those in her book :P

  10. Hey Jean, I didnt know you are such a young baker and blogger !! Glad to have found you :) Will come back for MOREEEE.....
