Sunday, May 1, 2011

Aspiring Bakers #6: Say Cheese! (April 2011) - Round Up

Thanks all for your participation and support. The beautiful pictures of the cheesy bakes which greeted my mailbox were all so irresistible! I hope everyone had fun participating in April's theme...Say Cheese! Hope it brought smiles to everyone who had the luxury to enjoy your bakes a smile as well :) We received a total of 105 entries for the April Aspiring Bakers.

Here are your entries:

I Can't Believe it's Prata (Leek, Sausage & Cheese Hat) by Wai Fong of Fong's Kitchen Journal

Mini cream cheese pumpkin tart by experimental cook of

Brazilian Cheese Bread (Pão de Queijo) by Agnes

Cream Cheese Chocolate Chip Cookie by Sherlyn Lui of Sherlyn's hobbies blog

Oreo Cheesecake by Olivia Stephens of Food Love Passion

Oreo cheese pops by Yvonne Lee of Muimui25

Steamed Cheesy Brownies With Chocolate Chips by Alice of I Love. I Cook. I Bake

Thank you for your support and participation once again. For May's theme, we have Doris of Tested & Tasted hosting the Aspiring Bakers #7 - Chocolate Delight. So head down to her blog for the details and we shall see you there :)

P.S. If you have submitted an entry and it's not being reflected here, please drop me an email at


  1. Thanks for posting this roundup so early! Always can't wait to see all the entries! Once again, thank you for all the hard work. :)

  2. wow! that's very efficient work Jean! I think you were up til past 4 am yeah? Cos I received your email in the wee hours of the morning. Thanks for the dedication!

    And well-done everyone! so many wonderful creations to make! :)

  3. hi Jean, thks for being a great host and for all the hard work!
    drolling over all the yummy cheesy treats! :)

  4. Thank you Jean! Wow another wonderful round up for Aspiring Bakers!

  5. Congratulations everyone! You've done such a great job here. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful bake. Happy weekend!
    Blessings, Kristy

  6. hey thanks all for ur support! aspiring bakers would not have been successful without you guys :D

  7. Jean, thanks for hosting for the April-Aspiring Bakers! Love all the beautiful and yummy cheesecakes from all the great bakers :))
    Happy Labour Day!

  8. Each submission gets better than the next. The response is awesome. I just realised that I didn't email you my submission but nevertheless, thanks for compiling this. Appreciate the hard work and now it is time for me to visit each creation.

  9. it's always fascinating to see the roundup each month! great entries, great people!

  10. Jean, thanks for hosting this great event! Really can't decide which one to try out first...

  11. Jean, thanks for hosting this event. Some entries are so enticing they are in my to-do list. Certainly a great way to look for themed recipes !

  12. Thank you Jean for being such a wonderful host!

    Lovely lovely entries by everyone... Can't wait to check out all of them! :)

  13. So many entries, what a great drool on all the yummy food pictures.

  14. Wow Jean I know you were sick and busy during this period, so thanks for being a wonderful host :) All the entries look lovely!

  15. Great round-up and thank you for hosting. Great job everyone. Looking foward to participate again.
