
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Strawberry Roll

Took a quick snap of this recipe off one of BakerTan's recipe books while we were baking together some time ago. No idea what's the name of the book, so I'm going to leave it blank.

Made some adjustments to the recipe according to my pan size. Method is pretty straight forward, but the roll did not turn out as awesome. It was kinda dry for me. But I had fun rolling it hahah. Got greedy on the cream filling and they started vomitting out. Oops.

Anyway I got started on my Masters this weekend. Already starting to feel the stress with the group assignment due next week. Gaahhhh.

Am submitting this entry to Aspiring Bakers # 9 - Swiss Rolling Good Times! hosted by {L}.

Strawberry Roll


3 eggs
65g caster sugar
1/2 tsp strawberry emulco
65g plan flour, sifted

Strawberry Cream:
200g whipped cream
200g strawberries, chopped

1. Whisk eggs until frothy, add sugar slowly and whisk until very thick. Add strawberry emulco and whisk until even. Flour in flour in 3 batches. Divide and pour into a 11" x 11" lined swiss roll tin. Bake in a preheated oven at 220°C for 10 mins till cooked and springy. Remove, turn onto a big piece of greased proof paper sprinkled with 1 tbsp of caster sugar. Trim the crusty edges. Firmly roll up the sponge from one side, with paper inside. Leave to cool before spreading the filling.
2. Unroll the sponge and remove the paper. Spread cream over the sponge and sprinkle with chopped strawberries. Cover strawberries with some whipped cream. Carefully roll up the cake.
3. Chill in fridge for at least 2 hours before serving.


  1. so glad to see your post, dont know could be maybe you told us earlier that you will be continuing on your studies and wont be seeing your post that often. hey, good luck in your assignments and jia you!! Vomit??

  2. Hi Jean, same as Lena...加油!!

  3. Jean, your swiss roll looks really fluffy. yum yum.

  4. soo pretty! doesnt look dry from the photos! wow you're doing your masters - good luck! i started mine last year doing part time...its tough for sure!

  5. can see that your cake is realllllyyyyy soft!! =) I will try making swiss roll today! my first attempt!

  6. Yummy! Pretty roll! Love the pink colour :)
