
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Strawberry Swiss Roll

Even though I have not been leaving comments at your blog, rest assured that I'm religiously catching up on the wonderful entries all of you have been posting! Been seeing a surge of beautiful swiss rolls posts from you talented ladies!

After my previous Sahara-Dessert-dry swiss roll, I took a dive for one of the popular swiss roll books that was sitting patiently in my shelf waiting to serve its purpose. The result was great, I only saw the swiss roll in the morning for photo taking and it vanished.

The rolling isn't ideal, but it's still so pretty to look at.

Will be leaving for Bangkok in a bit. Happy long weekend to me! hehehe

Am submitting this entry to Aspiring Bakers # 9 - Swiss Rolling Good Times! hosted by {L}.

Strawberry Swiss Roll (adapted from 孟老师的美味蛋糕卷)


Separated eggs method sponge cake:
35g unsalted butter, melted
100g egg yolks (about 5)
25g caster sugar
160g egg whites (about 4)
75g caster sugar
55g cake flour
1 tsp red powder (I use 1/2 tsp strawberry emulco)

180g dairy whipping cream
20g sugar
10 fresh strawberries

Sponge Cake:
1. Whisk egg yolks with 25g caster sugar over a pot of simmering water. Beat till all sugar dissolves and mixture become thick and pale.
2. Place egg whites and 75g caster sugar in a medium bowl and beat on high speed. Once reached stiff peak, beat on low speed for 1 minute.
3. Add one third of meringue into egg yolk mixture and fold in with a spatula.
4. Add in the remaining meringue into the egg yolk mixture and fold in gently.
5. Sift in cake flour into the mixture in 3 batches, each time folding in gently.
6. Add a scoop of batter into the bowl with melted butter and stir vigorously until the mixture is smooth. Add the batter and butter mixture back into the rest of the batter and fold in gently.
7. Retrieve 100g of the batter into a small bowl and add in the red powder (or emulco) and fold in under well mixed. Pour the pink batter back into the mixing bowl and create marbled swirl patterns.
8. Pour the batter into a lined 14" x 11" tray and smoothen it out with a scraper
9. Bake for 180°C for 12 mins until the cake is golden brown and springs back to touch.
10. Remove cake from oven and peel off the parchment paper from the 4 edges to let it cool.
11. Let it cool for 2 - 3 mins then cover the cake up with a bigger piece of parchment paper and slowly invert it and peel off the parchment on the other side. Place another piece of parchment paper on the peeled side and invert the cake again, so that the golden brown side faces up.

1. Put whipping cream in a bowl and place over another big bowl filled with ice cubes. Beat cream until thick.
2. Add in sugar and beat until stiff.

Rolling the cake:
1. Spread filling on cake and line strawberries at the edge.
2. Roll the swiss roll and use parchment paper to secure its shape and chill for 30 to 60 mins. Trim the edges off and you're done.


  1. Well done, Jean!

    This Swiss Roll is truly pretty in pink...The combination of subtle pink marble cake and the fresh strawberry filling makes the cake so pretty and perfect!

    Have a nice weekend at Bangkok...

  2. Jean enjoy your break.

    Your rolls has such sweet tone of pink. Love it.

  3. Wow, this is a good one. Pretty pink and nicely rolled! :)

  4. hands down the prettiest swiss roll ive seen!! wow great job jean!

    lucky girl - u enjoy your weekend filled with thai food!

  5. sweet pink and nice soft marble too! enjoy your trip, jean!

  6. The marbling looks really pretty, and I think using the strawberry emulco was a brilliant idea!

    Oh Enjoy your trip to Bkk - it's one of my favorite places to getaway :)
